Make your keynote visionary. Talk about major trends and advances you see coming.
Involve your audience right away. Tell them how they will benefit from hearing your talk.
Show interesting examples.
Conclude with a call to action. Tell your audience the main points you have made and what they should do.
Don’t focus on specific products or give a commercial message.
Don’t have more than one slide about your organization
Don’t put too much on your slides. Good guidelines are 30 words maximum and no graphs or figures that no one can read.
Don’t sidetrack. If you don’t absolutely have to talk about a topic, leave it for another time.
Need a speaking coach? Consult Bold Echo ( – they have long experience helping technical speakers make successful presentations. Contact Karen Williams ([email protected]) for more information.
Need a quick review of your presentation? Consult Program Chairperson Lance Leventhal ([email protected]). He has been reviewing technical presentations for almost 50 years.